Creating change to work against the white washing of herbalism

One thing you may want to know before signing up for my classes is that I don’t shy away from talking about the damaging effects of colonization, systemic racism, and the effects of how marginalized people are treated.  It is my intention to constantly be pointing out the trauma that these things cause and how that affects all aspects of our wellness.   
I talk about the places marginalized folks are often trapped in and how telling them to focus on a gratitude list is only more damaging.  I try to talk about what these people really need to be able to get to a healthy place, and try to find the little things we can offer to help, but more importantly the awareness of what aspects of our society holds them back.
I will often use the terms “white people” or “black and brown people” because it is of the utmost importance that we differentiate the experiences of folks because of the color of their skin.  So if these terms are triggering for you, you will need to do some self work and background reading on racism before you come to my class.  However, I totally welcome those who do not quite feel comfortable with it, but are willing to sit and listen. It is a process and I appreciate all who work to get there.  

I try my best to bring up the effects of racism but also the effects of any other marginalized groups. I want my classes to be inclusive for all, and I work hard to figure out wording to be more inclusive of gender diversity. I also admit that I am not perfect in this and I really appreciate when people of any marginalized groups let me know if I say things wrongly or in insensitive ways.  

Because true healing is not an individual process.  We do not heal on our own.   Compassion and empathy is crucial for us to continue to flourish.  Until everyone is truly equal, then our society will remain ill.
If we want to preach the holistic approach then we need to acknowledge what is really at the root of these things.

There are a ton of herb schools that do not talk about these things.  Most of them, from what I hear.   So it’s easy enough to find ones who will avoid the topic, but I won’t in my classes.


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Podcast Guest: Healing from Narcissistic Abuse and Trauma