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Certification Programs

2025 Dates are Updated!

Level 1: Grassroots Herbalism This 56 hour course will provide the first foundational level of understanding herbal remedies and how to apply them. In this class, you will learn remedies for stress, the digestive system, the immune system, and children. Students will have the opportunity to wildcraft herbs and make medicines such as salves, tinctures, teas and syrups. In this program, each student will be empowered to begin nurturing themselves with herbs and have the basis to approach common issues. This is a great class for those who are ready to step into the plant medicine path or those who want a solid herbal foundation for their home remedies. 

The Grassroots class is held each spring. Class begins March 22, 2025. Classes are held Saturdays for 8 weeks. 10am-5pm. You can miss up to 3 class days to receive certification for the class. Missed classes can be made up by watching videos of the online lectures and attending the missed class the following year.

Cost: $650

This class is a pre-requisite for Level 2. For more information, or to schedule a time to chat with Amy, please fill out the registration form below. 

Learn more about Grassroots Herbalism Here! 

Learn about Grassroots Herbalism online course beginning February 14 HERE

 In the world of herbalism, what does it mean to be ‘certified’?

Level 2: Community Herbalist Certification is a 300 hour program that will take your herbal education to a deeper level. With a strong basis in the Ayurvedic approach to herbs, you will learn about the different systems of the body, the diseases and states of imbalance that affect these, and how to use herbs to assist in their healing.  This class is for those who want to take their herbal education to a serious level. Students must be committed and ready to absorb a lot of information! Classes will include more advanced medicine making techniques and additional aspects of natural healing. 

In order to join this class, a foundational understanding of herbal medicine is required. Students must have taken the Grassroots Herbalism course or an equivalent course. An interview is required to be accepted. If you believe that you already have the Level one foundation and are interested in Level 2, it is strongly encouraged that you schedule an interview before Level one begins to ensure that you will be able to enter the program. Learn more about the Community Herbalism Program here.

Register now for Community Herbalism


Register now for Community Herbalism 〰️

New!! The Community Herbalism online course is here! This is a 200 hour course that you can join live or take 18 months to complete

Level 3: Flower Essence Immersion deepen your understanding and connection to flower essence therapy. This class provides an online option to attend lectures and work with flower essences in the group. Local students can choose to make flower essences as well. Learn more about the Flower Essence Immersion here.

The Medicine Making Immersions have a fall and spring component. The give students the opportunity to deeply connect to individual plants, as for many of the classes, we will spend the entire day connecting with, harvesting and processing one plant. Other days we will make many remedies in order to give students experience with making medicines and sharpening their skills with the process. Learn more about the Medicine Making Immersion here.

 Level 4: Clinical Herbalist Program will prepare students for working with clients on a professional level. Students will gain experience with seeing clients under the guidance of professional herbalists. Different approaches and perspectives will be provided so that students will be able to find their own style and what they would like to offer to the world.  We will also discuss business and marketing strategies and what it means to be a professional herbalist in this world. An entrance exam and interview is required to take this course. New dates will be available soon! Learn more about the Clinical Herbalist Program here.